Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Still immodest at 100

Hans Erni at the unveiling of his mural. Image held here.

We're somewhat used to the idea of artists working on into a ripe old age, with Louise Bourgeois being the best-known example. News last week, though, of an even older, still-active artist: Hans Erni, a Swiss abstract painter, celebrated his 100th birthday in February, but he is far from slowing down.His most recent work, a 60-metre mural along a wall of a UN building in Geneva, was unveiled on 6 June.

The mural has proven that with age does not necessarily come modesty:  Erni had to modify his mural by painting clothes on some of the brawny, originally nude males.  According to the Boston Globe, UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze stated that, if left in its original state, the mural might shock some viewers.

An earlier work by Hans Erni that represents his motto, 'panta rhei', which means 'everything flows'. The painting is displayed at the Hans Erni Museum in Lucerne. Image held here.
Born in 1909 in Lucerne, Erni started painting in his 20s.  Eight decades later, he has compiled countless works of art, from paintings to frescos to postage stamps.  The highly regarded artist now has a retrospective of his work on display in Lucerne - a big birthday present from the Museum of Art Lucerne that runs through October.

After eighty years of artistry, the unfading Erni still paints every day.

Originally published on the website of Circa Art Magazine on June 17, 2009. Link here.

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